Monday, September 20, 2010

so it begins.. preschool.

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Well its here.. Elias officially started preschool last week and has been loving it! He goes twice a week for 2.5yrs and those hours are sweet heaven..for both of us. I am not going to lie I wasn't sad at all, more excited for him.. maybe i could see kindergarten being a sad day, since they are gone all day.. but when its just a few hours a week its great! My house is so quiet and i can get a lot more done.. plus he loves the break from us too. And i love how excited he is too see both Me and Nixon when we pick him up.. we both always get big bear hugs and the best smile when we arrive..
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lookin so grown up..
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it was really neat, walking into Barnwell school with Elias, 
reminiscing about all the good memories i had here as a child and hoping the best for him.
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Nichelle said...

Wow, that is really neat that he's going to the same school you went to. He is one handsome little man.

Jenna said...

Exciting times! Lucky Elias gets to be a Trojan! haha!

ec said...

he looks 16 in these pictures!

CGibb said...

I know that Elias is a spitting image of Jeremy, but in that last picture I can see a lot of your brothers in him, with blonde hair. Looks like he's loving school. So nice that you can just walk across the street to pick him up too.

Karen said...

i can't believe how old he is looking!! crazy!! cute pictures

The Williams Family Blog said...

Elias, my little buddy, growin up. In the last picture he definately has the Hansen look going on. I need a bear hug from him!